Protect Your Bottom Line

Your client's needs are changing, why haven't your processes? Learn how resistance to modern technology can impact your firm's revenue, growth and overall business health.

What's in the guide?

  • The reason law firms have been slow to adopt technology
  • A business case for the need for accessible payment options
  • Shifting client expectations for digital process

Modernize Your Law Firm

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Change in the legal industry is here, but it shouldn’t be cause for panic. Law firms abruptly experienced the downsides of their outdated operations and business practices once the pandemic hit — payments were delayed, communication was strained and many lawyers were unsure how to proceed. 

While many of the issues law firms faced weren’t new, it opened the eyes of many to the positive impact modern technology can have on how they manage their business.

Those law firms still resistant to change will find themselves struggling to stay competitive against the majority legal market who understands that the modern law firm must be run on technology.

Essential Features For Your Virtual Law Firm

Track Time


Simplified Setup

Bill4Time invoice templates are easy to brand and even easier to use. Save time with write-up and write-down features, recurring flat fee and custom rates.

Say goodbye to third party processors and hello to a robust, all-in-one payment solution. You can work smarter, by having everything you need in one place.

Lawyers can lose more than 30% of their billables due to ineffective time tracking systems. With Bill4Time you can easily and accurately capture every minute.

And so much more...

About the Author

Jared D. Correia, Esq. 

Founder, CEO @Red Cave Law Firm Consulting

A former practicing attorney, Jared has been advising lawyers and law firms for over a decade. He is a regular presenter at local, regional, and national events, including ABA TECHSHOW, and contributes to legal publications including his column 'Managing,' for Attorney at Work and his 'Law Practice Confidential' advice column for Lawyerist. 

Get Paid Faster With Bill4Time

Lawyers need a dependable solution that allows them to easily track hours, manage documents, invoice clients, and guide to partners. Old technology is cumbersome and inefficient. Bill4Time allows your firm to practice more, and manage less.

 Must be domiciled within the continental U.S.A., as well as Hawaii to be eligible for Bill4Time Payments; U.S. territories are currently ineligible.

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